
Drivers of the Perinatal Quality and Patient Safety Gap

Disparate data systems and non-relevant data create barriers to institutional alignment with and accountability to Black people focused and equity driven perinatal care experiences and outcomes. Birthing Cultural Rigor® in perinatal quality improvement (QI) and implementation programs and activities requires a patient and community focused measurement tool to drive equity within health systems through awareness, action, and accountability.

Birthing Cultural Rigor™ is a Black woman owned and led quality improvement and implementation science, practice, and research firm that applies a 4T model of inquiry, improvement, implementation, and impact:

  • Truth – Current standards in quality improvement (QI) and implementation science create and spread (mis)truths about Black perinatal health using science that lacks historical context and cultural rigor.

  • Trust – Medical (mis)trust originates in past and present-day medical experimentation, exploitation, extraction, and misinformation that undermines the safety and sovereignty of Black birthing communities in health care access, communication, and decision-making.

  • Transparency – Traditional QI ethics, leadership, and knowledge depend on measurement strategies that fail to uncover how differences in power between hospitals and Black birthing communities drive the inequitable distributions of optimal perinatal care experiences, conditions, and outcomes.

  • Transformation – Cultural rigor facilitates truth-telling, builds trust, and activates transparency to affirm and amplify patient and community voices in the transformation of care design, quality, provision, evaluation, and training.

Birthing Cultural Rigor®, LLC offers the following seven consultative and/or collaborative services, each service priced at $40k and completed over a 12 week period:

  • Shared Language and Frameworks: Meanings, Measures & Methodologies

  • Capacity Development Program: Diagnosing and Dismantling Obstetric Racism Across Power Relations & Differentials

  • Structural Analysis of Power and Patient-Community Focused Access to Equitable Prenatal Care

  • Structural Analysis of Power and Patient-Community Focused Access to a SACRED Birth

  • Structural Analysis of Power and Patient-Community Focused Access to Equitable Postpartum Care

  • Patient, Community, & Hospitals Perspectives of Obstetric Racism: Ethnographic Analysis

  • Temporal-Spatial Mapping of Care Experiences from Onset of Labor to Hospital Discharge

To start transforming your organization, complete the intake form and schedule a one time complementary exploratory meeting to discuss your organizational readiness, priorities, needs, budget, and timeline. This meeting is NOT to introduce your entire team and discuss